Friday 2 November 2007


Recently upgraded my mac os x from tiger to leopard (or as my colleague would put it, "liopad"). On the official day of release here in the UK (Oct 26), waited in line to purchase it and even got a free t-shirt. Remember those news report for people waiting in line outside apple stores when they release something new? Have now officially have joined as one of them.

Installation was easy and took less than 30 minutes.

Some Leopard features:

- Time Machine (back-up tool). Have yet to try it tho.
- Quick Look. This one is handy. Can actually preview documents without opening them. Even preview videos.
- Stacks. Keeps the desktop clean.
- New stationeries in Mail.
- New look for Front Row. More AppleTV-esque.

Overall, you probably won't notice anything major compared to Tiger. But I'm happy with the upgrade nonetheless.

Can read more about it here.

On top of that, I've recently realised the need to run windows to run some programs from Uni. Saves me from having to go to Uni all the time to do work. Was fortunate enough to get a genuine copy of windows vista ultimate for a very good deal. Thanks to Mr Golf GTI! Cheers mate.

Getting windows vista to run on boot camp has not been painless. It's actually a simple process but did something wrong in the beginning. To those thinking of doing the same, just remember to install the 32-bit version of vista. Found out the window drivers that came with leopard does not support 64-bit. Maybe they will be some support in the future.

When I did eventually manage to run it, was quite relieved. It was kinda weird to see the windows desktop on the mac in the beginning. The programs that I've installed in vista manage to run okay.

In the end, was quite happy with the achievement.

Here's how Leopard and Vista looks on the MacBook:


Anonymous said...

Hi cuzzzzz,

i havent got the liopad for my mac yet cos recently my fren got it and his mac actually i dont dare to do it now until i got the all clear sign.

Jester said...

Hjh Moy!

Welcome to the site! I did read some problems with installing Liopad. There was a hiccup in the beginning for me but now it's okay. Hopefullly there won't be any problems in the future. Insya-Allah.